Host Konnector® Training!
Bring the Konnect Method and our team to your studio!

The power of Konnecting with us.
Thanks for your interest in hosting a Konnector® Training.
There are many benefits to hosting a training in your city including:
Improve client experience
Improve staff engagement
Attract new staff & new students
Stand out from other studios
Increase conversion of trials from "deal" sites and drop-ins
Generate income from the training
Please read the information below and if you think you'd make a great host, submit your application!
Highlights of Hosting Konnector® Training
Here is what happens next...
Step 1
(you are here)
Review the Konnector® Host information (this page) &
submit the host request form.

Step 2
(we chat)
We'll send you a few more details of being a host & we'll schedule a call to secure your training dates and to answer any questions.

Step 3
(promote event)
We build the registration pages & then send you the links and marketing material. You promote the event (and we do too).

Step 4
We conduct the training and you'll gain immediate recognition as being the best host ever.

Fill out part 1 of the Host application by clicking the button below.
If you have questions, feel free to email us: