The first time I tried Konnector®, I felt inspired and like I had found the missing piece to my Pilates practice. The proprioceptive feedback, dimensionality and increased range of motion were freeing to my hyper-mobile body.
Monica Bondi
Contact Info:
1907 Sabine St, Houston, TX 77007, USA
My "aha" moment with Konnector® was realizing how imbalanced I had been working on the regular reformer, Konnecotr® gave me the awareness and opportunity to work in a more balanced way.
My clients' first reactions to Konnector® have been all smiles and "wows". No going back now!
The reason I love Konnector® is that it gives so many more options for movement and helps the client feel more connected and integrated. I work with professional dancers and Konnector® makes so much sense for this population.